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Executives provide oversight but need to empower their staff to lead through Delegation of Authority and Leader's Intent prior to any emergency.  Executives may also have to make scarce resource allocation decisions as well as integrate at the policy level with other community leaders.

"If you think you know anything about critical incident management -- you should take this course to prove that you don't"

Evaluation from Custom Planning "P" Course

Chief Security and Integrity Officer, 2018



Emergencies challenge operational leaders with “Big Hat vs Little Hat” thinking.  It is critical that those that will be leading the response take off their "day job" and think and act on behalf of the entire organization, integrating critical components and making decisions based on a clear common operating picture.




If those doing the work don't understand the big picture there are gaps in the incident management team.  It is crucial for everyone on the team to understand the objectives and strategies so they can safely, effectively and efficiently implement the tactics and tasks that help the team achieve the mission and measure progress.

[1] Big Hat vs Little Hat – The Primes, Chris McGoff;

In the end, it is all about relationships and developing social capital

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